🟆   Wren's Mom's Vocaloid Playlist   🟆

Hi Mom! Here's the page for your specific vocaloid playlist, with all of the songs in order so you can keep track of them easier. I'll modify this as the playlist changes, so you'll always have a reference point!
If you are not my mom, this page is not for you >:[ (kidding! You can stick around, or go back)

🟆   Song Rationale   🟆

(in order of appearance)

  • Requiem - Kanaria ft. Hatsune Miku

    This was the first vocaloid song I listened to properly, and I felt like it was appropriate if that was the case for you too

  • Strobe Last - Powapowa-P ft. Hatsune Miku

    I really love this song. I can't fully express why- it's so subtle and has a lot of depth. The tuning takes center stage though, Miku sounds really natural

  • / / // / / - x0o0x_ ft. Hatsune Miku & flower

    I really think this is the perfect introduction to the potential of flower, her voice is soft and soothing, and the duet parts with Miku are stellar- maybe this can change your mind about duets?

  • Witch Hunt - Azari ft. Kasane Teto

    This song is catchy without being too in your face, and Teto is tuned really low, which is actually a rariety. It's unfortunate, because her deeper voice is really nice

  • Lag Train - inabakumori ft. Kaai Yuki

    I was actually listening to this song when I thought of making you a shorter playlist, since I really wanted you to listen to it. I really love this producer, but I limited myself to just their most iconic song.

  • Phony - Tsumiki ft. KAFU

    I actually am not a huge fan of KAFU, but this song is just incredible, it has a really nice energy to it, not being hype, but not being melancholic either

  • Who Knows - Lime Lorelei ft. Kasane Teto

    Teto's tuning in this song is genuinely unmatched. This is a favourite of mine and Adrian's, and it's deep cut, in case you want to impress any of your vocaloid hipster friends

  • In The Bathroom - REISAI ft. flower

    I really love how much this song feels. It's very mellow to begin with, but picks up in energy as the song goes- it also takes full advantage of the raspier aspects of flower's voice, which is a nice touch

  • Dec. - Kanaria ft. GUMI

    Another Kanaria song! I can't help it, I really like their music- they take full advantage of GUMI's english voicebank, and use it to make her speak Japanese instead, which ends up sounding really unique

  • Matryoshka - Hachi ft. Hatsune Miku & GUMI

    This song is absolutely iconic- it has interesting instrumentation, a great melody, and a duet between Miku and GUMI is always welcome in my eyes

  • Venom - Kairikibear ft. flower

    Another spotlight on a producer I absolutely love, with this being my favourite song of theirs, with all the hyped up energy they're known for

  • snake - hya ft. Kasane Teto

    Even though this song is only a minute and a half, it packs a huge punch in that short time, it's pretty intense but also doesn't overstay its welcome. The backing in the chorus reminds me of another song, but I have no clue which

  • Shamer - Chinozo ft. flower

    I really love this producer's style of music, it's really distinct, and it was actually really hard for me to just pick one song to show off here. The use of English in this song specifically helps ground me, since it's used sparingly enough that you don't get any grammar mistakes

  • Messed Up! - Natsuyama Yotsugi ft. Hatsune Miku

    I'm actually kind of obsessed with this song. The visuals are really cool, and the song is ridiculously catchy. I find myself humming it even when I haven't listened to it in days, it's one of those songs that really sticks with you

  • The Vampire - DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku

    Probably the second most hype moment when I went to Miku Expo was when they played this song. The energy is off the charts, it's catchy, it's fun, it's bouncy, I love it. This producer is known for making songs that are absurdly fun, but I feel like this one showcases it the best

  • Ohedo Julia-Night - Mitchie M ft. Hatsune Miku & KAITO

    I really wanted to include KAITO on this list, but most of my songs featuring him are romantic ballads, which I know you don't like- so this is the next best thing! I actually didn't realize he was a vocaloid when I first heard him in this song, because he sounds so realistic next to Miku

  • Niccori^^ - WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! ft. Rin & Len

    This one is a bit self-indulgent, since this is the song with the bit that goes "Enter↓ tainment↑!" and it was just too fun not to include. It's a really fun tune as well- the only one on this list that Rin and Len are included in, which is a shame because I really like them both

  • GETCHA! - Giga-P & KIRA ft. Hatsune Miku & GUMI

    Both Miku and GUMI sound great here, but GUMI absolutely steals the show. Her English voicebank is used to its fullest potential, and she sounds incredible. I honestly haven't come across any songs where GUMI sounds more realistic than she does here, which is pretty crazy since it's not even only her song

  • ●utlaws - masarada ft. Kasane Teto

    Out of all the songs I have on this playlist or my other one, this one is my favourite. It's not even a contest. It's catchy, it's fun, the lyrics are really great, the whole of it comes together perfectly to create an amazing song. Also- at the end of the second chorus, Teto says "iessaa!" which is supposed to be her saying "yes sir!!" but I swear to god she says yeehaw- which makes the song better, honestly


🟆   Featured Vocaloids   🟆

  1. レクイエム / Requiem
    Kanaria Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  2. 🟆

  3. ストロボラスト / Strobe Last
    Powapowa-P Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  4. 🟆

  5. / / // / / (Kisaragi Station)
    x0o0x_ flower, Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  6. 🟆

  7. Witch Hunt
    Azari Kasane Teto Lyrics

  8. 🟆

  9. ラグトレイン / Lag Train
    inabakumori Kaai Yuki Lyrics

  10. 🟆

  11. フォニイ / Phony
    Tsumiki KAFU Lyrics

  12. 🟆

  13. Who Knows
    Lime Lorelei Kasane Teto Lyrics

  14. 🟆

  15. 浴槽とネオンテトラ / In The Bathroom
    REISAI flower Lyrics

  16. 🟆

  17. Dec.
    Kanaria GUMI Lyrics

  18. 🟆

  19. マトリョシカ / Matryoshka
    Hachi Hatsune Miku, GUMI Lyrics

  20. 🟆

  21. ベノム / Venom
    Kairikibear flower Lyrics

  22. 🟆

  23. snake
    hya Kasane Teto Lyrics

  24. 🟆

  25. シェーマ / Shamer
    Chinozo flower Lyrics

  26. 🟆

  27. ころしちゃった! / Messed Up!
    Natsuyama Yotsugi Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  28. 🟆

  29. ヴァンパイア / The Vampire
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  30. 🟆

  31. 大江戸ジュリアナイト / Ohedo Julia-Night
    Mitchie M Hatsune Miku, KAITO Lyrics

  32. 🟆

  33. にっこり^^調査隊のテーマ / Niccori^^ Survey Team Theme
    WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! Kagamine Rin & Len Lyrics

  34. 🟆

  35. GETCHA!
    Giga-P, KIRA Hatsune Miku, GUMI Lyrics

  36. 🟆

  37. ㋰責任集合体 / ●utlaws
    masarada Kasane Teto Lyrics

  38. 🟆