🟆   Wren's Vocaloid Playlist   🟆

Welcome! This is a page for me to categorize the vocaloid songs I've been listening to and have a proper spot to organize my playlist. I've had difficulties remembering the names of some of the song titles since a lot of them are in Japanese, so this is meant to be a resource for myself and others to keep track of that.

If you are my mom, click here!

🟆   Favourite Songs   🟆

(in no particular order)

  • Love Ka? - Hiiragi Kirai ft. flower

    I love the style for this song, it's like a fun jazzy swing number and flower sounds great, I think the raspyness works really well with her more androgynous voice

  • Who Knows - Lime Lorelei ft. Kasane Teto

    Most underrated song ever, the video is really cute, Teto is really well tuned, and it's super catchy. I really like the lyrics and style, it's really well made

  • GETCHA! - Giga-P, KIRA ft. Hatsune Miku, GUMI

    Giga is probably my second favourite producer, and this is my favourite song of theirs. Both Miku and GUMI are really well tuned, but GUMI is the standout here by a large margin- she sounds so good here it's actually crazy

  • Ohedo Julia Night - Mitchie M ft. Hatsune Miku, KAITO

    KAITO and Miku both are so cute in this song, I love KAITO's 'heeeere we go!', it always makes me smile. Generally the sound design on this song is great, it really elevates it

  • Lower One's Eyes - nuyuri ft. flower

    The visuals associated with this song are incredible, the video for this song is really striking and impactful. The electro-swing style is always a lot of fun, and I think flower is really well suited for it. Flower sounds so good here, the way she's tuned makes it sound like she's actuallys straining her voice in a way a human would when pushing it- it's a bit freaky...

  • KING - Kanaria ft. GUMI

    Kanaria is probably my favourite producer, and there's a reason this is their most popular song. The way GUMI is used is really well done, and the incorperation of English into the lyrics is really natural

  • The Vampire - DECO*27 ft. Hatsune Miku

    The production on this is so fun and bouncy, it has great energy. If someone were to ask me what song they should listen to as an introduction to vocaloid, it would be this one. The illustration is great, the song is catchy, and it has a lot of interesting quirks that make it great for a relisten

  • Call Boy - syudou ft. Hatsune Miku

    I love this song. The melody is really nice, and I really like the background music a lot, it has a sound that's really unique and cool. Also- whoever is doing the backup singing in the chorus is doing a great job (whether they be man or machine)

  • Echo - Crusher ft. GUMI

    The lyrics of this song feel really genuine to me, and I know this song is used in a lot of fanart but that's because it's so well written. It's not available on Spotify right now though, which is a massive bummer

  • Strobe Last - Powapowa-P ft. Hatsune Miku

    The production on this song is really simple but it's so striking and impactful. Even though there isn't a lot going on, the song doesn't feel as long as it actually is, and I really like the outro- super creative.

  • Gotchu! - Giga-P ft. Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len

    Probably my favourite of the Project Voltage songs so far. The use of so many melodies and sound bites from Pokemon is great, and the song is just generally a lot of fun. Also, KAITO is in this song, he sing the second bit, but isn't credited? Not sure why...


🟆   Favourite Producers   🟆

(in no particular order)

  • Kanaria
  • Giga-P
  • Kairikibear
  • DECO*27
  • PinocchioP
  • syudou

🟆   Favourite Vocaloids   🟆

  • Hatsune Miku
  • GUMI
  • flower
  • Kasane Teto
  1. レクイエム / Requiem
    Kanaria Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  2. 🟆

  3. バグ / BUG
    Kairikibear Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  4. 🟆

  5. キラースパイダー / Killer Spider
    PinocchioP Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  6. 🟆

  7. 失敗作少女 / FAILURE GIRL (MARETU Remix)
    Kairikibear, MARETU Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  8. 🟆

  9. ストロボラスト / Strobe Last
    Powapowa-P Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  10. 🟆

  11. 看板娘の悪巫山戯 / Poster Girl's Prank
    Utsu-P Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, GUMI Lyrics

  12. 🟆

  13. Tell Your World
    livetune Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  14. 🟆

  15. ヴァンパイア / The Vampire
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  16. 🟆

  17. ヒアソビ / Play With Fire
    Camellia Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  18. 🟆

  19. Gimme × Gimme
    Hachiouji-P, Giga-P Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin Lyrics

  20. 🟆

  21. ノンブレス・オブリージュ / Non-Breath Oblige
    PinocchioP Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  22. 🟆

  23. 脳漿炸裂ガール / Brain Fluid Explosion Girl
    rerulili Hatsune Miku, GUMI Lyrics

  24. 🟆

    Mitchie M Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  26. 🟆

  27. こちら、幸福安心委員会です。/ This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee.
    UtataP Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  28. 🟆

  29. ローリンガール / Rollin' Girl
    Wowaka Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  30. 🟆

  31. ゲテモノ / Bizarre Food
    Utsu-P Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  32. 🟆

  33. マトリョシカ / Matryoshka
    Hachi Hatsune Miku, GUMI Lyrics

  34. 🟆

  35. OGRE
    Utsu-P Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  36. 🟆

  37. ワールドイズマイン / World is Mine
    ryo (supercell) Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  38. 🟆

  39. 神っぽいな / God-ish
    PinocchioP Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  40. 🟆

  41. 大江戸ジュリアナイト / Ohedo Julia-Night
    Mitchie M Hatsune Miku, KAITO Lyrics

  42. 🟆

  43. 砂の惑星 / Sand Planet
    Hachi Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  44. 🟆

  45. 乙女解剖 / Otome Dissection
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  46. 🟆

  47. ヒビカセ / Hibikase
    Reol Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  48. 🟆

  49. コールボーイ / Call Boy
    syudou Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  50. 🟆

  51. ドクヘビ / Venomous Snake
    Camellia Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  52. 🟆

  53. GETCHA!
    Giga-P, KIRA Hatsune Miku, GUMI Lyrics

  54. 🟆

  55. ボルテッカー / Volt Tackle
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  56. 🟆

  57. 電気予報 / Electricity Forecast
    inabakumori Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  58. 🟆

  59. ミライどんなだろう / What Kind of Future
    Mitchie M Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  60. 🟆

  61. ガッチュー! / Gotchu!
    Giga-P Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len Lyrics

  62. 🟆

    Jin Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  64. 🟆

  65. ハッピーシンセサイザ / Happy Synthesizer
    EasyPop Megurine Luka, GUMI Lyrics

  66. 🟆

  67. Samhain
    otetsu GUMI Lyrics

  68. 🟆

  69. Dysmorphiac
    Steampianist GUMI Lyrics

  70. 🟆

  71. >そして誰もいなくなって / And Then There Were None And Then
    Takahashi You GUMI Lyrics

  72. 🟆

  73. パンダヒーロー / Panda Hero
    Hachi GUMI Lyrics

  74. 🟆

  75. KING
    Kanaria GUMI Lyrics

  76. 🟆

  77. ECHO
    Crusher GUMI Lyrics

  78. 🟆

    Giga-P GUMI, Kagamine Rin Lyrics

  80. 🟆

  81. Who Knows
    Lime Lorelei Kasane Teto Lyrics

  82. 🟆

  83. QUEEN
    Kanaria GUMI Lyrics

  84. 🟆

  85. エンヴィーベイビー / ENVY BABY
    Kanaria GUMI Lyrics

  86. 🟆

  87. ロウワー / Lower One's Eyes
    nuyuri flower Lyrics

  88. 🟆

  89. グッバイ宣言 / Goodbye Declaration
    Chinozo flower Lyrics

  90. 🟆

  91. / / // / /
    x0o0x_ flower, Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  92. 🟆

  93. ヴィラン / Villain
    Teniwoha flower Lyrics

  94. 🟆

  95. アブノーマリティ・ダンシンガール / Abnormality Dancin' Girl
    Guchiry flower Lyrics

  96. 🟆

  97. ベノム / Venom
    Kairikibear flower Lyrics

  98. 🟆

  99. ラブカ? / Love ka?
    Hiiragi Kirai flower Lyrics

  100. 🟆

  101. ゴー!ビッパ団 / GO! Team BIPPA!
    WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len Lyrics

  102. 🟆

  103. ひゅ〜どろどろ / Hyuu Dorodoro
    Kuriyama Yuri Hatsune Miku, MEIKO Lyrics

  104. 🟆

  105. ボッカデラベリタ / Bocca della Verità
    Hiiragi Kirai flower Lyrics

  106. 🟆

  107. Witch Hunt
    Azari Kasane Teto Lyrics

  108. 🟆

  109. オーバーライド / Override
    Yoshida Yasei Kasane Teto Lyrics

  110. 🟆

  111. ライアーダンサー / Liar Dancer
    Masarada Kasane Teto Lyrics

  112. 🟆

  113. フィクサー / Fixer
    nuyuri flower Lyrics

  114. 🟆

  115. 灰Φ倶楽部 / Hi Φ CLUB
    NILFRUITS flower Lyrics

  116. 🟆

  117. シャンティ / SHANTI
    wotaku KAITO Lyrics

  118. 🟆

  119. サイバーパンクデッドボーイ / CYBERPUNK DEAD BOY
    Maiki-P Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  120. 🟆

  121. シェーマ / Shamer
    Chinozo flower Lyrics

  122. 🟆

  123. アメリ / Ameri
    NILFRUITS flower Lyrics

  124. 🟆

  125. ニュートンダンス / Newton Dance
    Nayutan Seijin, Chinozo flower, Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  126. 🟆

  127. むげんのチケット / Eon Ticket
    marasy Hatsune Miku, KAITO Lyrics

  128. 🟆

    Hachiouji-P Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  130. 🟆

  131. もう生きてるだけで褒めて頂戴 / C'mon, Just Praise Me for Living, Please!
    100kai Outo flower, GUMI Lyrics

  132. 🟆

  133. ブリングミー / Bring me
    nuyuri flower Lyrics

  134. 🟆

  135. プリマドンナ / Prima Donna
    Kedarui flower Lyrics

  136. 🟆

  137. エスパーエスパー / Esper Esper
    Nayutan Seijin Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  138. 🟆

  139. メロメロイド / Mellomelloid
    Kairikibear Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  140. 🟆

  141. ラビットホール / Rabbit Hole
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  142. 🟆

  143. 命辛辛 / For dear life
    NILFRUITS flower Lyrics

  144. 🟆

    SAWTOWNE Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  146. 🟆

  147. Dec.
    Kanaria GUMI Lyrics

  148. 🟆

  149. フォニイ / Phony
    Tsumiki KAFU Lyrics

  150. 🟆

  151. Better Off Worse
    Circus-P flower Lyrics

  152. 🟆

  153. ヤババイナ / YABABAINA
    satapanpi Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto, Zundamon Lyrics

  154. 🟆

  155. ラグトレイン / Lag Train
    inabakumori Kaai Yuki Lyrics

  156. 🟆

  157. 88☆彡 / Hachijuuhachi
    marasy Hatsune Miku, KAITO Lyrics

  158. 🟆

  159. 地団駄ビート / Jidanda Beat
    marasy Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Megurine Luka Lyrics

  160. 🟆

  161. Mr. Showtime
    Hitoshizuku × Yama△ Miku, Rin & Len, Luka, MEIKO, KAITO Lyrics

  162. 🟆

  163. ロストアンブレラ / Lost Umbrella
    inabakumori Kaai Yuki Lyrics

  164. 🟆

  165. snake
    hya Kasane Teto Lyrics

  166. 🟆

  167. Dizzy Paranoia Girl
    KAT Kasane Teto Lyrics

  168. 🟆

  169. 浴槽とネオンテトラ / In The Bathroom
    REISAI flower Lyrics

  170. 🟆

  171. のだ / No da
    Daibakuhashin Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto, Zundamon Lyrics

  172. 🟆

  173. のぼせもんHERO / Nobosemon HERO
    ChibaNyan, Giga Kagamine Len, Zundamon Lyrics

  174. 🟆

  175. 嘘ミーム / Fake Meme
    PinocchioP Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  176. 🟆

  177. メズマライザー / Mesmerizer
    Satsuki Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto Lyrics

  178. 🟆

  179. ミィハー / follower of the crowd
    Chinozo Kasane Teto Lyrics

  180. 🟆

  181. 私は雨 / I'm the Rain
    inabakumori Kaai Yuki Lyrics

  182. 🟆

  183. Beyond the way
    Giga Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin & Len Lyrics

  184. 🟆

  185. にっこり^^調査隊のテーマ / Niccori^^ Survey Team Theme
    WONDERFUL☆OPPORTUNITY! Kagamine Rin & Len Lyrics

  186. 🟆

  187. SCAPEG♾AT
    GHOST Yuma, Xingchen, Kevin, ASTERIAN Lyrics

  188. 🟆

  189. ころしちゃった! / Messed Up!
    Natsuyama Yotsugi Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  190. 🟆

  191. パリィ / Parry
    Miyamori Bungaku Kagamine Rin & Len Lyrics

  192. 🟆

    FLAVOR FOLEY Yi Xi Lyrics

  194. 🟆

  195. ㋰責任集合体 / ●utlaws
    masarada Kasane Teto Lyrics

  196. 🟆

  197. ルーキー / Rookie
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  198. 🟆

  199. あいたい星人 / Aitai-lians
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  200. 🟆

    MonochroMenace Adachi Rei Lyrics

  202. 🟆

  203. エンパープル / Empurple
    Harumaki Gohan Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto Lyrics

  204. 🟆

  205. Machine Love
    Jamie Paige Kasane Teto Lyrics

  206. 🟆

  207. Hourhand
    suzie Otomachi Una Lyrics

  208. 🟆

  209. 空白と夏 / Kuuhaku to Natsu
    nuyuri Kasane Teto Lyrics

  210. 🟆

  211. Cadmium Colors
    Jamie Paige Kasane Teto Lyrics

  212. 🟆

  213. だまってちゃん / Silence-Chan
    Chinozo Kasane Teto Lyrics

  214. 🟆

  215. weathergirl
    FLAVOR FOLEY Eleanor Forte Lyrics

  216. 🟆

  217. サッドガール・セックス / Sad Girl Sex
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  218. 🟆

  219. come undone
    suzie Yun Quan Lyrics

  220. 🟆

  221. 頭ン痛 / Ataman Ita
    Eipu Kasane Teto Lyrics

  222. 🟆

  223. ムウ / MW
    NILFRUITS flower Lyrics

  224. 🟆

    FLAVOR FOLEY Feng Yi Lyrics

  226. 🟆

    Jamie Paige Kasane Teto Lyrics

  228. 🟆

  229. モニタリング / Monitoring
    DECO*27 Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  230. 🟆

  231. テトリス / Tetoris
    Hiiragi Magnetite Kasane Teto Lyrics

  232. 🟆

  233. Confessions of a Rotten Girl
    SAWTOWNE Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  234. 🟆

    TAK Hatsune Miku Lyrics

  236. 🟆